Education and Research (ED)


6.1 Number of courses/subjects related to sustainability offered 6.11 Sustainability website address (URL) if available
6.2 Total number of courses/subjects offered 6.12 Sustainability report (ED.7)
6.3 The ratio of sustainability courses to total courses/subjects (ED.1) 6.13 Sustainability report link address (URL) if available
6.4 Total research funds dedicated to sustainability research (in US Dollars) 6.14 Number of cultural activities on campus (ED.8)
6.5 Total research funds (in US Dollars) 6.15 Number of university sustainability program(s) with international collaborations
6.6 The ratio of sustainability research funding to total research funding (ED.2) 6.16 Number of community services related to sustainability organized by university
and involving students (ED.10)
6.7 Number of scholarly publications on sustainability (ED.3) 6.17 Number of sustainability-related startups (ED.11)
6.8 Number of events related to sustainability (environment) (ED.4) 6.18 Total number of graduates with green jobs
6.9 Number of activities organized by student organizations related to sustainability per year (ED.5) 6.19 Availability of units or offices that coordinate or are related to sustainability
6.10 University-run sustainability website (ED.6) 6.20 Planning, implementation, monitoring and/or evaluation of university governance
through the  utilization of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)