Waste (WS)


3.1 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) program for university’s waste (WS.1) 3.9 Total volume toxic waste produced (tons)
3.2 Program to reduce the use of paper and plastic on campus(WS.2) 3.10 Total volume toxic waste treated (tons)
3.3 Total volume organic waste produced (tons) 3.11 Toxic waste treatment (WS.5)
3.4 Total volume organic waste treated (tons) 3.12 Sewage disposal (WS.6)
3.5 Organic waste treatment (WS.3) 3.13 Planning, implementation, monitoring and/or evaluation of all programs related to
Waste Management through the utilization of Information and Communication
Technology (ICT)
3.6 Total volume inorganic waste produced (tons)
3.7 Total volume inorganic waste treated (tons)
3.8 Inorganic waste treatment (WS.4)